Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The reason for the season

As Christmas time comes around it's easy to get overwhelmed and distracted from the true meaning of Christmas. There are cards to be sent out, cookies to be baked  and caroling to be done, presents to buy, holiday parties and  children's Christmas pageants to attend, and most of all,  Hallmark Movies to watch. Sometimes between the hustle and bustle of getting these things done, we don't stop and remember the reason for the season.

From the bottom of our hearts we wish you the Merriest Christmas and we truly pray for Peace on Earth.

For those of you who are in the need of a little Christmas spirit - please enjoy this video:


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

A Very Creative Break

Sometimes all you need is an email from your Mom to make your day a little better and brigher. 

As many of you know I have moved a farther away from my mom - which makes it impossible for me to see her everyday. (I know, we aren't happy about it either!) So we now work through phone calls, emails and skype. 

Anyway, at the end of a very long day of chasing my son and cleaning my house, I saw that I had recieved an email from my mom. And all I can say is it pretty much made my day. Even though we are miles away she still knows how to brighten my day. Love you mom!!! 

So... I needed to take a creative break today.

Love you!


Yes, that is my husband singing Cheerleader and me in highly inappropriate clothes. 

-Till next time- 

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Magic in New Beginnings

It starts when the temperature drops a little and the leaves in the trees start to change. Beginnings! The new school year, new clothes, new shoes and new friends. The fall was always a time of starting over, trying new things and conquering your fears. Even now, when I'm not in school anymore, I still have that "fall rush" - time to shake things up a little and try something new. 
The Magic of Beginnings! 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Where has Irish Mist Gone?

Many have asked why Irish Mist is no longer offered through Amazon and we thought we ought to explain. Mom wrote and published Irish Mist (Sean's short story) before she published Mary O'Reilly Book 10 (Veiled Passages) or Sean's new book  (The Order of Brigid's Cross - The Wild Hunt). But, if you didn't know that and bought the other stories first - you would think that Irish Mist had just been copied from the other two. There was a little bit more story to it, but not much and we really didn't want any readers to feel like they had been cheated by having to pay for a story they'd already read. So, we made the decision to discontinue selling it. But don't worry - any part that we didn't include so far - we'll make sure they show up in the next Order of Brigid's Cross book. So you won't be missing anything at all!!!

-Happy Reading- 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

What the heck is going on with Terri Reid?

She's finally working on Mary O'Reilly 15 - (The name will be released SOON!)

So what does that mean - 

For Me - 

- I only see her when I'm invited into her office and that only happens if I have food/water/Pepsi or a brilliant idea for her book. - So I have a lot of alone time 

You really have no idea how true this is! But is this for me or for Mom? 
- However, Ian is invited in on a regular basis (Something about him being adorable - so apparently I'm no longer adorable to my mother. That's okay I'll get over it!) 
- I also have to keep my phone or computer by me at all times, just in case mom finishes a chapter and needs me to read it and get back to her. 

For the rest of the Family - 

- Phone conversations are sweet and brief with the ending line - "Well I should probably go and write a book."
- Pizza and hot dogs are regular culinary delights at the dinner table 
- Mom's rarely at the dinner table

For Mom- 

- Facebook has become her biggest distraction
- We have to keep her away from "normal" people because she's always asking things like "Do you think ghost can smell popcorn?" - Talk about embarrassing!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Cutest Distraction

I would like to take a moment and apologize to all of you that have been waiting for book 14 - Stolen Dreams. Ian has decided that Grandma is the best and every time she walks though my office and he is awake - they HAVE to laugh, talk, and play together. And because of him, Moms book is taking a little longer than usual. But REALLY who could resist an adorable, happy baby.

Here's a cute little distraction for all of you!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Years! Mom?


Disturbing Image Below

What Mom looks like when she doesn't get enough sleep or caffeine - REALLY it's not a pretty sight! 

But If I have to see this - SO DO YOU!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

- And Mom, get some sleep, for the sake of us ALL- 

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

How I almost got replaced!

Meet Hemingway!
About a month ago, Mom decided that she REALLY needed to get a kitten, well actually she thought we needed two because, in Mom's logic, if we only got one then it would be lonely and have no one to play with. Even though we already have three dogs and an old cranky cat who potentially could be the kitten's playmate.  So we got two kittens - Hemingway and Boo ( Boo's - slightly anti-social)

Anyway - Hemingway's favorite thing to do is help Mom write. As you can see in the picture above, he likes to sit on the keyboard and type with her.  Right here he is stepping on the Enter button and watching the screen go down. He really thinks that he owns Mom and her writing area. 

Lets just say that for the first week - Mom thought it was cute when he did it, and I was getting a little worried that little Hemingway was going to take my job and become Mom's personal assistant. But as the weeks have gone by, Hemingway has become a little more aggressive and not only uses the Enter button, but prances joyfully across the entire keyboard.  And, quite frankly, Hemingway is a bad speller.  So, especially because Mom is on deadline, and Hemingway has learned to stepped on the Delete button, he is no longer allowed in the room during working hours.  

So now I have my own little assistant who likes to jump on me and my keyboard.

I think it's safe to say I won't be getting replaced any time soon. :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

I think we may have gone OVERBOARD...

Christmas has officially invaded the Reid house.

Normally Christmas decorating doesn't start until the day after Thanksgiving. We all go to William's Tree Farm and we cut down the PERFECT tree. Well, this year we went a week early, due to my lovely, sister Katie and her adorable daughter coming to visit us. 

So for the past two weeks we have been decorating the house for Christmas and lets just say we have a LOT of decorations. A good rule of thumb to follow is that you should probably not buy more Christmas decorations until you get the old stuff out to see what you have. But REALLY where's the fun in that. 

The other day, I, walked into my parents house find Mom rearranging ALL of the furniture just to fit our HUGE Christmas tree and all of the other million Christmas knickknacks that we have. I think when you have to move everything around in your house to fit decorations you might have a problem.On the plus side when you move furniture you get to clean all the places you have missed for longer than you'd like to admit. But anyway, after a couple hours of lifting and debating if we really liked it there or not, we were finished. I don't know if any of you get exhausted putting up Christmas, but we defiantly were. But we LOVED the results - Christmas surrounded us in every corner. 

After all the craziness, we settled down to do another Christmastime tradition - watch the Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. We could seriously watch them ALL day long. 

Anyway, Mom is now back in her office finishing up Mary O'Reilly 14 and, other than the little Christmas tree in her office, she's stopped her decoration madness and is concentrating on what's REALLY important - WRITING! But, I heard her exclaim, ere she worked on her book - Happy Christmas Decorating to all, don't you love our new look?!?!

Friday, September 12, 2014

Another Dragon Day

With it being the end of a crazy week, Mom decided to have a Dragon Day. As a person who is easily distracted Dragon Days are VERY important. So no one including myself is allowed to bother her. Unfortunately, no one is there to stop her from going onto Facebook. Yes, Facebook has already gotten her this morning. 

So when she finally untangles herself from Facebook - I'm sure she'll get back to writing... What is she working on? Well I'll let you in on a little secret (but you didn't hear it from me) Mom is working on finishing up Sean's story - The Order of Brigid's Cross. She had to put in on the back burner for a while and finish some other things up, but she has decided to revisit it and get the second half done and out for all of you to enjoy. After this is finished the Mary O'Reilly Book 14 is next!!  

So if any of you are on Facebook and you see Terri Reid on there - PLEASE politely tell her to get off and get to work. 

Thank you, 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bearly in love... A SURPRISE romance

As you all know mom (Terri Reid), decided to write her first romance. She is VERY excited to share it with you all. 

Here is an exclusive excerpt from the book: 
Stacy hung up the phone and hurried across the kitchen to grab the toast and butter it before it got cold.
“Who was on the phone, dear?” Addie asked.
“It was Henry Guthrie,” she answered, bringing the toast to the table. “He’s giving me a ride to work today because we have to run some errands together.”
Nodding, Addie put a little marmalade on her toast and smiled. “He’s a nice young man,” she said. “You should ask him out on a date.”
Stacy’s toast dropped from her fingers and landed on her plate. “Grandma, I couldn’t ask him out on a date,” she stammered. “That’s not the way it’s done.”
“Oh, fiddle faddle,” she responded. “I watch those talk shows. They all talk about women being more assertive and grabbing what you want. If you want Henry, you need to grab him.”
“Grandma, I don’t think Henry wants to be grabbed,” she replied, choking back her laughter. “We’re working together. That’s all.”
Grandma took another bite of toast and shook her head. “Nice young man like that, it’d be foolish not to grab him,” she muttered.
“Grandma, can we please stop talking about grabbing people?”
“Who are you going to grab?” Sam asked as he let himself in the back door.
“I think she should grab Henry,” Addie announced.
“Grandma,” Stacy admonished, turning bright red. “Please.”
Sam chuckled. “Well, I guess it depends on where she grabs him,” he said.
“Don’t encourage her,” Stacy pleaded and then turned to Addie. “Grandma, Henry is my friend, but if he thinks I’m more interested in him than I should be, he’s going to distance himself from me.  He’s had too many girls chase after him. I’m not going to do that.”
Sam sat down at the table and nodded. “She’s got a point there,” he said to Addie. “A man isn’t interested in what comes easy. She needs to make him work for it.”
Addie grinned at Sam. “You’re absolutely right,” she agreed. “Play hard to get, Stacy. That will show him.”
“Of course, I’ll do that, Grandma,” she said with a sigh, saying anything just to appease her grandmother and change the subject. “So no more talk about grabbing, okay?  It will give away our plan.”
“What plan?” Henry asked at the back door.
“Come on in,” Sam encouraged. “We were just giving Stacy some dating advice.”
Stacy wanted to crawl under the table and die.
Henry leaned against the door frame and crossed his arms over his chest. “Dating advice?” he asked, the smile dropping from his face. “Who are you dating?”
“Oh, the phone’s been ringing off the hook,” Addie replied before Stacy could answer. “I can’t keep track of how many beaus she has. A different man every night.”
“Grandma!” Stacy choked.
Henry’s eyes widened. “Wow, Stacy, I had no idea,” he said, tightening his lips as he felt the burn of jealousy. “A different man every night?”
She shook her head. “No, really. It’s not what you think.”
“Well, I guess what I think really doesn’t matter,” he answered, straightening up. “Are you ready to go?”
She stood and nodded. “I need to get my purse and my jacket,” she said. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
Addie and Sam watched Stacy hurry from the room, and then Addie turned to Henry. “Did that make you want to grab Stacy?” she asked casually, spreading a little more marmalade on her toast.
“I beg your pardon?” Henry gasped.
Sam shook his head, chuckling softly, and looked down at the floor.
“I told Stacy that she ought to be more assertive and grab a man,” she explained. “But Stacy told me that men don’t like women who were grabby. And then Sam said that men preferred women who play hard to get. So when I told you that Stacy was dating all of those men, did you want to grab her?”
A slight smile played on Henry’s face. “So, she’s not dating a new man every night?” he asked, not questioning the relief he felt.
“Heaven sakes, no,” Addie replied, shaking her head in disgust. “All she does is take care of me and this house. She’s got no life. None at all.”
The smile spread wider, and he nodded. “Well, I should have known Stacy would have been too sensible for that,” he said with an assured nod. “I can’t see Stacy with a new man every night.”

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

There be dragons inside...

June was a CRAZY month - to say the least.  From getting Mary O'Reilly written, edited, and out for release, a family reunion with 28 people (14 of them being children), getting the house ready for all of these people and then putting the house back together after everyone leaves, and moving into a new house.  - Lets just say we are EXHAUSTED!!! 

Monday morning - we watched the last car pull out of our driveway - That's when we knew play time was over and back to work we go. 

This morning when I got to work I went upstairs to my mom's office to see this sign on her door that read : DO NOT DISTURB: THERE BE DRAGONS INSIDE.  I didn't dare go inside - because really it's too early in the morning to turn mom into a dragon. BUT readers this is a good sign - not that she will turn into a dragon - but that she's writing her little heart away. I heard her in serious typing mode. And we LOVE when she gets like this. 

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Mom got TAGGED...

Last year I had the privilege of listening to Bob Mayer speak about e-publishing and self-publishing. One of the things he mentioned was that most writers are INFJ - which is the Myers-Briggs personality type that includes people whose primary mode of living is focused internally, an introvert, or, as I like to label it - a hermit. So... I thought it was interesting that some enterprising author created this tag game - to help us pull ourselves out of our writing caves and wave "hello" to the rest of the world. 

I was honored and delighted to have been tagged by the very creative Kat Daughtry - you can check out her blog and her Amazon page.

Now... on to the questions:

Terri, what are you working on right now? I'm in the middle of Book 13 in the Mary O'Reilly series. This time her sleuthing takes her to Galena, Illinois (which is where we met her in Book 1.) I'm having a great time doing research on this book - a couple trips to Galena to check out their history and their beautiful town. I'm also nearly done with a romance. I put it aside to get book 13 started - but I'll be back to it as soon as Mary's book is done. I'm also working on Sean's story - and I REALLY LIKE IT. It's very different than Mary's stories, but I hope you fall in love with the new characters you're going to meet. I have some new ideas for other stories - but they are going to have to wait for now. 

How do your stories differ from others in it's genre? My Mary O'Reilly stories are about a woman (Former Chicago Cop) who can see and communicate with ghosts. I think that's a little different than most of the popular paranormal genre because there is a lot out there about vampires, werewolves and zombies - but not too much about ghosts. My books are character driven - they are staged in small town America and my secondary character are just as important as my protagonist. My stories have been written to be inter-generational; you can read them and lend them to your mother and your teen-aged daughter. The romance is sweet, the humor is clean and the language is PG. 

How does the writing process work? My writing is really organic. I come up with some basic "events" that I know must happen in the book and then I start writing. Occasionally, I'll stop and do a rough outline - one or two sentences for each chapter - but I don't outline more than that because I know it will be a waste of time, because I won't follow it. (Really, it;s not my fault- my characters don't let me follow it!) I write in the morning, in the afternoon and in the middle of the night - whenever the muse hits me. I'm easily distracted - which is REALLY bad - so I need to shut myself away from the world and give myself a deadline in order to finish my books.

                                     Now, the fun part. TAG!
Here are three authors I think you MUST know and I want to know the behind the scenes of their books. Click, like, follow, and buy books from these authors and soon, I hope to see a similar blog post from each of them.  

Ophelia Julian - I met Ophelia through a mutual friend when Ophelia was researching e-books. Ophelia was already a traditionally-published author, but she was interested in the advantage of self-publishing and e-books. We met over a lunch of fried chicken and diet sodas and talked for several hours about e-books. Now, Ophelia's series - Bridgeton Park Cemetery - are on of my favorite spooky stories. You can learn more about Ophelia here at here Amazon Page or here on her blog.  

Donnie Light - I actually met Donnie through Ophelia. (It's funny how that works in this little community of authors.) Donnie writes horror and thriller novels, and he had a wicked sense of humor. His Ripper's Revenge series features a zombie - killing Jack the Ripper, how cool is that? You can learn more about Donnie at his Website or his Amazon page.

Scarlette D'Noire - Scarlette and I met two years ago when she wrote an amazing review about the Mary O'Reilly series on her blog and then followed up with a message through my Facebook page. She was friendly, delightful and filled with all kinds of information about vampires. Recently, Scarlette offered me the unique opportunity to be part of an anthology about vampires, which was a lot of fun. Now the anthology has been nominated for the Silver Falchion Award for Best Anthology at Killer Nashville! Scarlette is an expert on everything vampire and spends a lot of time encouraging and promoting other authors. She is a gracious and creative author. You can learn more about Scarlette on her author's page on Amazon or on her blog.  

Monday, May 12, 2014

A Little Advice From Terri Reid

I've often been asked about marketing an e-book and what I think are the important steps. So, I thought I would just share my advice (remember, free advice is worth what you pay for it ;)) with all of you, just in case you're interested. 

www.kindleboards.com - Writer's cafe- This is a place where many indie Authors hang out and share their experiences. It is a great place to ask a question and get firsthand experience in your own genre. And, it's a great place to find out about bloggers who are willing to read your book and do a review for you. 

http://jakonrath.blogspot.com/ - This is Joe Konrath's blog called a Newbie's Guide to e-publishing. There is a lot of great information there. 

http://davidgaughran.wordpress.com/ - This is David Gaughran's blogsite - it is also filled with all kinds of great information and he gives away a .pdf version of his book - Let's Get Digital 

Okay - So from my experience - these are the most important things you can do to market your book:

1. Have a great book! (I know this seems like a "duh" comment - but so many people have thought they could push out an almost perfect book - just to get it out. WRONG! you only get one chance to make a first impression.)

2. Have an author's Facebook page and link to it from your book.

3. See if you can get bloggers in your genre to read and review your book. This will give you more viability.

4. A great cover design is CRUCIAL. Too many times a cover screams -"Look what I did with Word Art and Photoshop." If you have skills - do your own. But, make sure you look at covers of other books in your genre - successful books- and see what they are doing. Emulate them - because you want to look professional. If you don't have skills - pay for someone to create a cover for you. You are a professional now -  don't shortchange your book to save money. In this case a book IS judged by its cover - NEVER forget that. 

5. A website is nice - I have one - but it has nowhere near the hits I have on Facebook. I would say if you can create your own - and it looks good - GO FOR IT. If you have a friend who can create one for you - that looks good, go for it. But, in my opinion, Facebook, Twitter and even Pinterest will give you a lot more bang for your buck. 

Best of luck!!! I wish you so much success!


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Entry #12


- Book 5 - Darkness Exposed is out in Audible. 

- This is EXCITING-  Mom will be a Headliner at the Book'em North Carolina Writer's conference and Book fair next February. (FREE and OPEN to the public) 

Here is the website if you'd like to visit it : http://www.bookemnc.org/

- Mom has a couple book clubs she will be attending in the next couple weeks. 

- AND for the news you are ALL waiting for Mary O'Reilly book 13 - is coming along really well and will be out early summer. :) 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Entry #11

It's been pretty busy here at the Reid house. In the last week Mom and Dad decided that after years of not riding bikes that really they needed to start again. It's been about a week of them gathering materials. We now know the UPS man's name and his beverage of choice. We also now know that Dad is pretty handy when it comes to putting together bikes. 

Days of ACTUALLY riding their bikes = ZERO! But I believe in them... they'll do it.... and once they get to that really BIG hill they'll stop. But at least they tried right?? After a few days walking bow-legged they'll realize they made a mistake. 

Last night as a family activity we went to Pizza Hut and then to the theater to see Captain America the Winter Solider.  IT WAS AWESOME!!! And Mom and I agreed that Captain America really wasn't that bad to look at. And though they won't say it, the guys didn't mind watching Scarlett Johansson. Overall, it was a great night!! After watching the movie Mom thought that Chris Evans could play a great Bradley. 

So what do you think of Mom's new suggestion?  Do you agree?   

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Entry #10

My mom and I LOVE rainy days. The only thing that could make today better is some major thunder storms. Rainy days are days meant to stay in your Pjs, cuddle up in a blanket and watch movies, while only eating comfort food. - Hot Chocolate, popcorn, pizza, candy, brownies, Ice cream. You know all the make you feel good type of food. :) 

My Mom's Rainy Day Movies:
- Sleepless in Seattle
- You've Got Mail
- Lady in White
- While You Were Sleeping 
- The Canterville Ghost (The Original)

For all you readers that are a little worried that Mom is downstairs watching movies and eating bonbons - don't worry I gave her some Ice cream and kicked her back to her office to finish a book... I know YOU'RE WELCOME. 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Entry #9

Who doesn't like a good ghost story to start off the week? This one is from a collection of stories my mom wrote for a local newspaper. 

An home owner tells of an experience when he and his cat where home alone. 
"I heard footsteps upstairs and I saw that my cat had heard them too." he said.
The cat headed for the steps and looked up. 
"Every hair on the cat's body stood up straight and then he headed for the door - he wanted out," he said. "I have to admit, my hair stood up that time too."

 His wife had a chilling experience when she least expected it, as a matter of fact, she was preparing for a hot bath. 
"My family had already gone to bed and I decided to take a bath," she said "I had already run the water and was just ready to step in when the door crept open a ways." 
Thinking it was my husband, she said, "Well, come on in." 
When nothing happened she went upstairs to find out who opened the door. Everyone upstairs was asleep. 
"I went back downstairs and all I could think about were those movies you see on TV where people are murdered in the showers," she said. "I took the fastest bath in history."

While interviewing this couple on the phone, an interesting thing happened. It was midday and I was speaking to the gentleman of the house. His wife was at work and he was working from home. As we spoke, I could hear the distant sound of someone walking down the steps. 
He paused mid-sentence and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. 
"Oh, there he is now," he said, matter-of-factly. 

That's about the closest I would want to be to a ghost!!! 
I don't know about most of you.... but if a ghost opened the bathroom door while I was going to take a bath and I went upstairs and found everyone sleeping I wouldn't go back downstairs... I would just go right to bed and pull the blankets over my head! Maybe I'm just a wimp!! But I'm pretty sure I'd survive in a scary movie... because I'd be the first one out the door.