Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Entry #1


This blog is about Terri Reid, the author of the Mary O'Reilly series, or as I call her, Mom. I just started working for her as her personal assistant, slave, or whatever you want to call me. I'm not an English major, so half the time I have no idea where a comma goes (,) I just throw one in there. My actual major was Sociology with an emphasis on Criminology. So what I'm trying to say is don't judge my writing or punctuation. I'm going to give you a behind the scenes look at the life of an author and as long as no one tells Mom, this could be a good time...


  1. fun start! I, grammarian-extraordinaire, will not judge :) Just looking forward to the skinny ....

  2. I wont say a word to her --- (ask her to tell you how she made me scare my dog)

    Rusty Judd

  3. Lauren, thank you for not judging me. Rusty, I will have to ask her.

  4. Okay, I'll be looking for some insightful info

  5. Thanks, Sarah! This should be fun :)
